THE ACCURIZERŽ                         
Marianne Carniak      Phone: (248) 528-1552      


Below are samples of Marianne's work on 1911's

Caspian Build - Hard Chrome Frame - Ion Bond DLC slide
Customized Series 70 Colt
Kimber Rebuild Refinished with Virgil Tripp's Coating
Caspian Build with S&A Magwell
Complete Build done on a Rock River Arms Slide and Frame
Before picture of an old military .38 Super    After pictures of same gun

Before picture of Colt Officers model After picture built up with Wilson parts, Novak sights, Kings Bushing/Guide Rod System, and Ford's Hard Chrome Finish

Before picture of Colt Commander model After picture - converted to a BobTail

Some Custom Colts Built or Reworked by Marianne

Colt Delta Elite

9mm - Colt Commander Slide/Caspian Frame

Essex Frame and Slide

Springfield Armory Govt Model Rebuild

Caspian Build Government SS

Customized Gold Cup - rear of slide checkered

Hardchromed Colt Commander BobTail

Colt Commander finished using Tungsten DLC Process - The Toughest Available

Springfield Armory Govt with Dark Bead Blast

Lightweight Hard Chromed Colt
Before picture of a Colt Defender   

After pictures of same gun

Hammer and grip safety have been bobbed and the butt rounded.   Novak sights, checkering and all Wilson and Infinity parts.   The finish is Robar's Roguard in gloss black.